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网页加速器 6 minutes Remote, bucolic region still subject to big-power meddling.
网页加速器 6 minutes Remote, bucolic region still subject to big-power meddling.
Reading Time: 8 minutes The fight over mail voting is symptomatic of deeper problems in American politics.
Reading Time: 13 minutes Undocumented students face greater challenges than ever in their pursuit of postsecondary education.
Reading Time: < 1 minute Trump: “A Great Embarrassment to the USA”
Reading Time: 3 minutes Trump’s executive order directing states to exclude noncitizens from the census may effectively erase children under five whose parents are undocumented from the count.
super加速器 19 minutes How the history of CIA and KGB Cold War covert election interference led us to what we face today.
Reading Time: 5 minutes As the coronavirus spreads across the United States, vote-by-mail is growing in importance as a protection for both voters and election workers.
Reading Time: 8 minutes The Sierra Club and Planned Parenthood of NY dismantle their own Monuments.
Reading Time: 5 turbo加速器安卓 A “China!” tweet turned their world upside down.
Reading Time: 26 网页加速器 Bennie Smith discovered a high-risk tampering mechanism built into US election systems.
Smith explains what he found, its implications, and how election officials and members of the public can detect this “feature” of our voting systems that belies the principle of “one person, one vote.”
Why Saudis Keep Getting Away With Murder
Facebook Is Now the Only Cop in Town to Protect Elections
Tell Us, Mr. Sater, About Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin
The Texas Two-Step on Voter Fraud: Make Outlandish Claims, Then Walk Them Back
Exclusive: WhoWhatWhy Finds Voting Machines Unguarded
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Reading Time: 2 minutes In Portland, Getting Out of Jail Requires Relinquishing Constitutional Rights ; Georgia Camp Outbreak Shows Rapid Virus Spread Among Children ; and More Picks 8/3
Reading Time: 2 minutes This Recession Is a Bigger Housing Crisis Than 2008 ; So Much for the Decentralized Internet ; and More Picks 7/31
网页加速器 2 minutes Oil Giants Help Fund Powerful Police Groups ; California Cuts Off Coronavirus Aid to Two Cities That Refuse to Shut Down ; and More Picks 7/30
Reading Time: 2 minutes Tracking What Happens to Police After They Use Force on Protesters ; How Dinosaurs Raised Their Young ; and More Picks 7/29
Reading Time: 2 minutes On Portland’s Streets: Anger, Fear, and a Fence That Divides ; Hygiene Theater Is a Huge Waste of Time ; and More Picks 7/28